The Beauty of Transience: erect Altars to Mortality
Oh to die, to die, God! … Into the seas I want to dive, over-raptured with purple, Dissolve into light, dissolve into fragrance, Waft as a wave in the All’s stream. Because […]
Musings & Reflections
Oh to die, to die, God! … Into the seas I want to dive, over-raptured with purple, Dissolve into light, dissolve into fragrance, Waft as a wave in the All’s stream. Because […]
One can fight for life, fight against the grey unliving armies, the armies of greedy ones and bossy ones, and the myriad hosts of the clutching and the self-important. Fight one does […]
At the moment social media gets flooded with posts about how damaged nature is recovering because of so many countries being on Corona lock-down. I am always wondering what such posts are […]
After last week’s post on the esotericism of the crucifixion and resurrection, I’d like to share a few thoughts on the more Magdalene-focused scene in John 20, after the resurrection. The so […]
Krist, Death and Resurrection Breathe easy, my friends…but yes, I am referring here to the cross as a Christian symbol and I am aware that many occultists, neo-pagans, esotericists etc. have a […]
A short note on the function of ritual ecstasy While the term ‘ecstasy’ is almost always defined as ‘outside-of-oneself’, the concept has received a range of meanings and connotations throughout its use […]
A time in which many of us are forced to physical isolation lends itself naturally to a brief pondering of ‘solitude’ on the Gnostic’s path. Now when I say ‘solitude’ I mean […]
The Hetaera as Fusion of Virgin and Whore It was at the end of the 19th century when Fanny zu Reventlow hoped for the return of Hetaerism (compare my initial post on […]
Woman-as-Hetaera in the Kosmic Gnosis (Initial Musings) This post serves as an intro to this whole website / blog since “modern hetaerism” or “becoming a pagan hetaera” shall be my guiding principle. […]