Jessica Grote

Musings & Reflections

Jessica Grote

The War in Heaven and The Mysterium of the Soul

The Kosmos is alive and our Souls know it. But the Soul as well as this knowledge of a Kosmos in which every phenomenal body[1] is en-souled has been starved in most people. Resurrecting our Souls is a necessary step if we want to ever re-enchant the Kosmos and find intrinsic meaning in life and death.

In the following paragraphs, I want to point towards a unique Gnostic vision and pathway, the pandaemonic ‘Kosmic’ esotericism of David Beth. […]

Blood & Tears

Women and ‘Northern Magic’: Symbiotic Occultism Introduction This essay’s subtitle should not mislead you: although the article is centering on women and is written from a female perspective, it is definitely not […]