“Every man is an abyss”
The mental state of the occult(ist) “Every man is an abyss; you get dizzy looking in” Woyzeck I went to see Woyzeck the other day. In case you do not know it, […]
Musings & Reflections
The mental state of the occult(ist) “Every man is an abyss; you get dizzy looking in” Woyzeck I went to see Woyzeck the other day. In case you do not know it, […]
Woman-as-Hetaera in the Kosmic Gnosis (Initial Musings) This post serves as an intro to this whole website / blog since “modern hetaerism” or “becoming a pagan hetaera” shall be my guiding principle. […]
While it has been around for some years, I’ve come across the slogan “Always be Lilith, never Eve” several times quite recently and it had me wonder why I still do not […]
Some of my thoughts and intent behind starting / writing this blog. If you are wondering what this is all about, please read.
Lecture given at Occulture Esoteric Conference, Berlin, November 2019. It was a 30 minute lecture and serves as an introduction to the Kosmic Gnostic current.
The Kosmos is alive and our Souls know it. But the Soul as well as this knowledge of a Kosmos in which every phenomenal body[1] is en-souled has been starved in most people. Resurrecting our Souls is a necessary step if we want to ever re-enchant the Kosmos and find intrinsic meaning in life and death.
In the following paragraphs, I want to point towards a unique Gnostic vision and pathway, the pandaemonic ‘Kosmic’ esotericism of David Beth. […]
Polarities & Symbiosis in Esoteric Voudon First published in ATUA: Voices from La Société Voudon Gnostique (Ed. David Beth) by Fulgur Limited, London: 2011. The darkest secrets are hidden within the brightest […]
Women and ‘Northern Magic’: Symbiotic Occultism Introduction This essay’s subtitle should not mislead you: although the article is centering on women and is written from a female perspective, it is definitely not […]