“Hurrah! The dead ride fast…”
Integrating the dead in life If you know your Dracula you might be familiar with the phrase “for the dead travel fast” (also since it has found its way into popular cinematic […]
Musings & Reflections
Integrating the dead in life If you know your Dracula you might be familiar with the phrase “for the dead travel fast” (also since it has found its way into popular cinematic […]
Oh to die, to die, God! … Into the seas I want to dive, over-raptured with purple, Dissolve into light, dissolve into fragrance, Waft as a wave in the All’s stream. Because […]
One can fight for life, fight against the grey unliving armies, the armies of greedy ones and bossy ones, and the myriad hosts of the clutching and the self-important. Fight one does […]